Welcome to Greentree - Sand Creek Trail Association!


Please Report Feral Hog Damage HERE


On behalf of the Board of Directors, welcome to our association web site. Feel free to explore the features available.

Assessments may be paid on-line.  You must be logged in as a resident to do this.

MEETINGS are the fourth Monday of every month.


Many Kingwood residents may not understand how governmental and quasi-governmental organizations operate in Kingwood. This is particularly true of residents who have moved from other areas of the country. Because Houston does not have zoning, we depend on deed restrictions, enforced by our community associations to restrict how property owners use their property. Another organization, Kingwood Service Association provides services to the entire Kingwood community. Click here for an attempt to clarify how things function and get done in Kingwood.


-Updates about the Kingwood Mobility Survey

To report hazardous trees on the trail system, please contact us or send an e-mail to [email protected]

This site is provided by Kingwood Association Management